Every woman in Chattanooga will have the opportunity to live her best life.
To effect policies that create positive change forwomen in Chattanooga
Respect, Inclusion, Equity, Equality
The 2025 Statewide Policy Conference was a huge success!
Thank you so much to everyone who came!
If you missed it or need a refresher, you can view the presentations from some of our speakers on the right.
We can't wait till next year's conference but in the meantime be sure to get out there and advocate!
Erin Brockovich | Community Healthbook
Alexis Smith | Miss Kansas 2024
Ashton Applewhite | We Are All Aging Let's End Ageism
Jessica Ruffin | Quality Healthcare for Women in Tennessee
Regina McDevitt | Building From The Community Up
Jeanine Carpenter & Sara Beth Myers | Make Change Now! Introducing the New Advocacy Toolkit
The Mayor's Council for Women is restructuring and evolving to better serve you -- Exciting things are coming as we expand to serve you better than ever before.
Stay tuned for the exciting updates!
The Mayor's Council for Women is made up of three focus areas that work together to break down the barriers that prevent too many women in our community from living the life they want to live. To find out more, click on the topic of your choice below.

Everything we do is research based. Established on a system-focused, data-driven model, the following three-pronged approach is used to address each policy issue:
- Identify: Members of MCW committees identify issues that prohibit women from living their best lives.
- Endorse: Once an issue has been identified, the sponsors bring to the steering committee their research model.
- Research: Once a topic is identified and selected, the research begins to make the case.
- Recommend: The published study includes policy recommendations for government to consider.